Grit and Grace – A Yoga and Dharma Workshop mit Katchie Ananda
Come and join Katchie for a few hours, to immerse yourself in techniques and tips from the yoga and dharma traditions and her personal arsenal on how to live and thrive in these challenging times.
We will do exercises to steady the mind, encourage clear thinking and common sense, nourish the heart and soul, and go on a quest to discover who we really are and what our contribution to our world might be.
Sunday, April 13, 2025
1:00 pm to 4:00 pm
AIRYOGA, Fabrikstrasse 10 in 8005 Zurich
Katchie Ananda
CHF 90.-
The workshop is suitable for yoga students of all levels and styles.
Space is limited.
Please note the reservation and cancelation policy for workshops at AIRYOGA.
For any questions, please contact
Katchie Ananda is a yoga and dharma teacher. She is certified in Integral, Jivamukti, Anusara, and Ashtanga yoga by Richard Freeman and has been teaching full time since 1991.
A committed student of Vipassana meditation, she has practiced with Jack Kornfield since 2001 and is a certified dharma teacher.
Her teachings have inspired many people over the years and she has brought her stories to students all over the world. She is appreciated by her students for her humor and authenticity.
Katchie lives in the Black Hills of South Dakota/USA with her husband Joshua and dog Naya.
You can find more on her website
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